Friday, December 2, 2016

The Begining

            In recent weeks I have come to admit my love for story writing and telling. Before I would have stuck up my nose at the idea, I was a sub par English student, I hated writing papers for school. But, I started a blog my freshman year of college about all of the ways God was refining me in my walk with Him, and now, three years into that, I realized just how much I loved typing out my stories. As an outward processor by nature, it shouldn't come as a surprise that processing my life by typing it down is both therapeutic, and fun to me. Another thing I had to admit is my life is crazy, I often find myself in the oddest situation and biggest pickles of any one that I know. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if sitcom writers were creating these stories in some Truman show-esque kind of way. With all of this said, I have decided to start this blog to practice my story telling and writing skills. These will be funny stories from my life and just odd situations that I end up in. So enjoy, laugh. critique, and enjoy this crazy ride with me.